Located on the northern tip of East Falkland, the Cape Dolphin peninsula is reached by off-road track from the Cape Dolphin Farm buildings. Named after HMS Dolphin, the ship of British explorer John Byron, the area is a working farm with sheep bred for fine wool and meat. The peninsula is a National Nature Reserve and boasts an amazing array of wildlife and lovely scenery. Gentoo and Magellanic penguins breed here. Swan Pond is home to many waterfowl and wading birds including Chiloe Widgeon, speckled and silvery teal, white-crested grebes and black-necked swans. Southern sealions inhabit the extreme tip of the peninsula.
Accommodation is available on nearby Elephant Beach Farm at James Cabin from where day trips are easily arranged.
Opening Times
Open at all times (1 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2025) |