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George & Barren Islands
This group of islands lies at the southern entrance to Falkland Sound, the channel of water dividing East and West Falkland. The land is low-lying with several ponds and many sheltered, sandy coves.
Major tussac replanting schemes have taken place in recent years, developed for conservation, environmental and agricultural purposes and leading to an increase in vegetation. The islands are now rich in wildlife. It is estimated that there are several thousand pairs of Magellanic penguins and along the shorelines there are several dispersed breeding colonies of magnificent southern giant petrels.
Each island supports more than forty two species of birds including many breeding pairs of tussacbirds, Cobb’s wren, long-tailed meadowlark, austral thrush, dark-faced ground tyrant, correndera pipit, large populations of southern giant petrel and ruddyheaded goose. Barren Island has some of the most easily accessible sites to view southern giant petrels and southern sea lions along with gentoo penguins and southern elephant seals.
All three islands are commercially farmed on an environmentally-friendly basis with no use of chemicals or fertilisers. Working a group of three islands makes for a nomadic type of lifestyle which requires frequent travel between them on work-boats, especially during the summer months.
Speedwell is the largest of the three islands. The family reside here for the greater part of the year and base operations from this location but, during summer months, move around the island group every fortnight.
There is no visitor accommodation on these islands but landings feature on some cruise itineraries. Visitors may have the opportunity to tour the farm on George Island to see shearing, wool preparation, dog handling and sheep work, along with a traditional Falklands’ “smoko”, including tea, coffee and delicious, locally produced cookies and cakes. A number of coastal walks can be taken on all three islands, some only with an approved guide. The owners will advise on the best option depending on timing and weather conditions. Walking on each of the islands is easy due to the flat terrain.